29 August 2006


Joining the 21st century with my blog, ANy FIdelity.

First news: I am getting the new Nikon D80 digital SLR, release date this Friday, 1 Sept. 2006. I agonised over it for a full thirty seconds, then my mind was made up. Bypassing the usual kit lens, an 18-70mm, I opted for the 18-200mm VR. What a beautiful set-up. I can't wait.

Lots of great info on the Nikon D80 can be found here:

The 18-200mm VR here:

The reviews are by Ken Rockwell (www.kenrockwell.com), who has an absolutely fantastic site on photography and cameras, particlularly things Nikon. Must read.

1 comment:

Laura the Explora said...

Hola muchacho,

Que camera mas chulo. Con ganas de descubrir Osaka desde tus ojos!

La Rubia